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Dr. Daphney Chery is a change agent, dedicated scientist, educator and supportive mentor with a passion for driving innovation and fostering knowledge - sharing. Currently serving as the Innovation Lead at the Chief Information Office at Northrop Grumman, she thrives at creating environments that encourage focused innovation and resourcefulness. Read full bio below

1. Revolutionizing your Workplace: Nine Techniques to Building
an Innovative Culture
3. Standing in Your Boldness: Unleashing Self- Confidence, Advocacy and the Art of Public Speaking
2. STEM Odyssey: Blazing Your Path and Crafting Your STEM Identity
4. STEM Future Forward: Exploring Technologies Shaping the Workplace of Tomorrow
5. From Bench to Boardroom: Navigating Career Transitions in Science, Policy, and IT Project Management

Learn More About Dr. Daphney Chery
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