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So I moved.. and things did not go as expected...

Writer's picture:  Daph Daph

It's official!!! I am a Virginia resident

BUT moving day definitely did not go as expected... however, valuable lessons were learned!

For some context, I am a PLANNER. I plan and then OVERplan! LOL and being a scholar, I was always under the impression, if you're prepared, you will succeed.

Well that's not necessarily true..

Well to begin, when this opportunity presented itself to me, I was really excited. I mean like really excited! I knew I felt stuck for a while, and moving into policy work, even for a little bit was exactly what I needed.

What I DID NOT expect was the anxiety that seeped in. Anxiety due to the fact that I just spent almost a full decade of my life in Philadelphia, completing a Phd then doing a post doc... I became an adult here, learned how to sustain and budget, pay bills, EAT and that apartment in that city was literally all I knew in my adult life!

I pushed through my anxiety tho, and called upon ALL FIVE of my brothers, their wives, and my parents so that we can get me down to VA as smoothly as possible. (S/O to my village because they legit are always there for me and took that wknd trip COMPLETELY moved me in, without hesitation).

I then began to book my U-Haul, order the necessary furniture that I needed, call the electric company, internet etc. Because I knew I needed everything up and running as soon as possible, in order to be ready for orientation.

Well, you guessed it! 2020 was NOT gonna let it go as smoothly as I planned for it.

It began with U-Haul calling me FIVE MINUTES before my reservation time for my truck to inform me that they DO NOT have any trucks available for me until the next day!

Did I mention, I reserved and PAID for my U-Haul a whole month prior to my actually move date? uhh.. yea!

Whewwww! I was ready to flip tables!!!

Not to mention, Verizon sent a self install box for the internet with key components missing, and the electric company allegedly couldn't verify my identity!

To cap it off, a HUGE pimple miraculously started emerging on my cheek and I kept having these weird stomach cramps, that wouldn't go away!

In hindsight, it is quite hilarious now thinking back on this day... but the day of? Not so much... I had a complete meltdown

However, at the end of the day... EVERYTHING WORKED OUT! lol

literally every last issue that was stressing me out, worked out. My family kept telling me it would, and they were so gracious to me, reassuring me that everything will happen the way they should.


We pulled up to a U-Haul storefront and the owner was sympathetic and found a truck for us plus I got a refund, Verizon was also able to send a technician out THE VERY NEXT DAY (a sunday!), and my identity was verified lol (I exist!)

My pimple took a little longer to go away lol but eventually that faded too.

But seriously... if 2020 taught us anything, its that we are not in control...

we can prepare and over prepare but that really doesn't mean much.

Letting go, rolling with the punches and allowing whatever is stressing you out to resolve itself, is the biggest lesson I've learned this year.

I fumbled a bit with this move, and lost sight of the very thing that keeps me grounded and sane, MY FAITH!

Faith that this is my purpose, and there's no way that it wouldn't all work out!

Until next time ya'll!

Love && Light

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